Small, Dark Creature with Large, Carnivorous Teeth
Reported: 01/20/2004
Date of sighting: 11-13-03
Location: . Croydon, Utah (Weber canyon, near devil's slide)
Time of day incident occurred: 10:55 PM
Area Description (vegetation and habitat): Mountainous, large non-coniferous trees (cotton wood, birch, etc.)
Are there caves or abandoned shelters in the area?: YES
Nearest bodies of water:Small stream located on private property, unknown dam
Any unusual domestic animal behavior?: unknown Describe kills /other:It's primary source of food at the time of the account (rabbit/rodent)
Was it feeding on anything?: YES? If so describe:Small rabbit, rodent?
Was there any interaction or communication between you and the animal? None noticed
Describe interaction with other animal:When approached, the creature moved forward and quickly began moving backward towards its prey. It grabbed the prey and ran towards the cement plant located approx. 350 yards. away
X factor descriptions: Very fast, strange form of locomotion. It was sitting in the middle of the road for the majority of the time seen, and looked as if it were eating.
Other details:Dark brown/Black, small (almost unnoticeable) stripes along its spine. It's hair was significantly longer along it's spine, and seemed to "stick up" or protrude (similar to a mo-hawk). It's tail resembled that of a small dog.
Speed:Approx. that of a scared coyote, faster than the avg. human
Description of animal: Small, dark creature with large, carnivorous teeth. Resembled a small dog, but with large, bat-like ears. It walked on it's hind-legs, and had small fore-arms that it held close to its body. It's eyes (as seen from my car) were like that of a feline/reptile (slit-shaped).
Height:Approx. 3 ft. tall, . Weight:40 lbs
Describe its movements and Behavior: It walked on it's hind legs, and seemed to have a strange, reptilian movement (especially in the tail and head)
Describe odor: NO
Sounds Heard?: YES Describe sounds:Growling and a strange "click" of the tongue
Tracks:No tracks were found
Length and width of single track:unknown Length of stride:unknown Number of "toes":unknown
Weather: Cold, overcast, small amount of rain
# of Witnesses: 3
Witnessed for how long?: 3 minutes
Were photographs, video or casts taken? NO
Estimated distance between animal and observers:Less than 10 ft.
Would you like to be contacted by an investigator?: NO
Reported by: Phone Patricia Wendington via the UUFOH online report form email: withheld
Location: Hamblin Valley, Utah/Nevada border - Deadhorse corner
Time of day incident occurred: ?
Area Description (vegetation and habitat): desert
Are there caves or abandoned shelters in the area?: ?
X factor descriptions:Unknown
Description of animal: My name is Carol and I live in Modena, Utah...along the Nev/Utah border. I was hunting on horseback in the Hamblin Valley here..and my horse all of a sudden became panicked. He reared up...with nostrils flared...and I looked in the direction of where he was looking. I saw it...I believe it was female..about 8 or more feet it was doing something in an old rock burned out root cellar. It was bending over and saw me..and stood up. My horse was spazzing out and terrified....It was dusk and the creature just looked at heading out.. I saw a big pile of looked human...but on a larger scale. The area is called Deadhorse corner..named by local residents...and has old horse skeletons to mark the road. I' am still curious and going to return with my camera. There is no doubt that this is Bigfoot. I've been around for 53 yrs and always look for the unusual. I have had many sightings of father is a ufologist it was part of my childhood..the strange and unusual.
Height: 8 or more feet Length:Unknown
Weight:Unknown Other:color, black
Witnessed for how long?: Unknown
Reported by: Carol via email email: withheld
UUFOH Note: Follow up being performed, UUFOH Investigators In contact with witness - will update
Location: . North Salt Lake Mtns. Now a golf course Also Farmington Canyon. Around 1975. The other, top of Farmington Canyon, (footprint in sand- broken little toe).
Time of day incident occurred: 2:00
Area Description (vegetation and habitat): These sightings that I had probably are the oldest of local reports known. Big foot was not known at that time.
Are there caves or abandoned shelters in the area?: NO
Nearest bodies of water:natural streams
Any unusual domestic animal behavior?: unknown
Was it feeding on anything?: did not see
Was there any interaction or communication between you and the animal? none
Describe interaction with other animal: no
X factor descriptions:see running over sage brush
Other details:Black creature that could bound over 3 ft. sage bruch like it was a weed.
Speed: est. 40 mph
Killed or injured? no, we almost wet our pants, though
Description of animal: depends on which occurance. foot print in Farmington Canyon, smell and running creature above North Salt Lake
Height:Unknown Length:Unknown Weight:Unknown
Describe its movements and Behavior: Fast, ran below us as we were descending a steep hill. It hid in some small trees at base of hill
Notice odor?: YES Describe:not this encounter, but the same area there was strong body-type stench
Sounds Heard?: NO Describe sounds:none
Tracks:yes How many tracks were found?: one
Where did the tracks lead to or away from?: went into stream
Length and width of single track: 14 inches long 4 inches wide Length of stride: about 4 ft.
Weather: Sunny
# of Witnesses: The nsl sighting was about 3 witnesses
Witnessed for how long?: 4 to 8 seconds
Were photographs, video or casts taken? NO
Willing to submit evidence to UUFOH? YES
Estimated distance between animal and observers:Distance:500 yds
Would you like to be contacted by an investigator?: YES
Reported by: Don Moss via the UUFOH online report formemail: withheld
UUFOH NOTE: Left contact info, follow up warranted
Location: Fish Lake National Park, Utah on the NW side of the box creek about 200 yards in from the lake
Time of day incident occurred: 10:40 at night
Area Description (vegetation and habitat): thick pine trees
Are there caves or abandoned shelters in the area?: UNKNOWN
Nearest bodies of water:box creek
Was it feeding on anything?: NO If so describe:
Was there any interaction or communication between you and the animal? I got this strong feeling that wasn't scared of me until right before it came toward me
X factor descriptions:telepathic communication
Other details:it had three fingers and toes with a claw on it's calf Speed:it flew about 30mph
Description of animal: it was small had black eyes big like coffee cup size, it was dark in color with hair on the upper part of the body the skin under it was sleek dark, it walked upright but had long arms that hung to its knee's, its mouth had maybe a handful of sharp little teeth, and no nose I'm not sure it had ears and it had wings folded up behind it they were covered in short hair
Height: 2 maybe 3 feet Length:Unknown
Weight: maybe 50 lbs Other:Unknown
Describe its movements and Behavior: it didn't move at first it just stood their like it was dazed by my flood light I stood there for a while I could not believe my eyes it scared me half to death when I spotted it on the trail, after a few min. it started making this howling that sounded like a dieing cat and then started running toward me flaling its arms it stopped about a foot or two from me and turned around and hopped a few times then flew away making a grunting noise
Notice odor?:YES Describe:like a skunk but more potent
Sounds Heard?: YES Describe sounds:howling and grunting
Tracks:unknown How many tracks were found?:unknown
Length and width of single track:unknown Length of stride:1-2 feet Number of "toes":3
Weather: warm
# of Witnesses: 3
Witnessed for how long?: 5-10 min
Were photographs, video or casts taken? NO
Estimated distance between animal and observers: 10-12 feet
Would you like to be contacted by an investigator?: NO
Reported by: Anonymous via the UUFOH online report formemail: withheld
Area Description (vegetation and habitat): in a cave
Are there caves or abandoned shelters in the area?: YES
Nearest bodies of water:Nearest water source not to far
Any unusual domestic animal behavior?: it was staring at us and making a weird hissing sound
Was it feeding on anything?: YES If so describe:I think it was eating a dear or a human
Was there any interaction or communication between you and the animal? YES ?
Describe interaction:kind of when it was hissing at us I think it was trying saying some thing to me
Describe interaction with other animal:None
X factor descriptions:telepathic communication
Other details:it was big black and its eyes were redSpeed:don't know
Killed or injured?no it was fine
Description of animal: a big black snake thing with red eyes it was in a ball on the ground and there was human bones on the ground all around and I think I saw one of its teeth it was a big sharp looking thing after we saw it me and my friends left so fast
Height:Unknown Length:Unknown Weight:Unknown
Describe its movements and Behavior: it was looking at us and it started making this hissing nose but not just any his it was a hissing nose that made you sit still for ever
Are there caves or abandoned shelters in the area?: Y
Nearest bodies of water:R
Any unusual domestic animal behavior?: unknown Describe kills /other:Unknown
Was it feeding on anything?: NO If so describe:
Was there any interaction or communication between you and the animal?
Describe interaction: W
Describe interaction with other animal:Unknown
X factor descriptions:Unknown
Other details:Unknown Speed:Unknown
Killed or injured?Unknown
Description of animal: Unknown
Height:Unknown Length:Unknown
Weight:Unknown Other:Unknown
Describe its movements and Behavior: Unknown
Notice odor?: Unknown Describe:Unknown
Sounds Heard?:Unknown Describe sounds:Unknown
Tracks:Unknown How many tracks were found?:Unknown
Length and width of single track:Unknown Length of stride:Unknown Number of "toes":Unknown
# of Witnesses: Unknown
Witnessed for how long?: Unknown
Were photographs, video or casts taken? Unknown
Willing to submit evidence to UUFOH?Unknown
Estimated distance between animal and observers:Unknown
Would you like to be contacted by an investigator?: Unknown
Reported by: o via the UUFOH online report formemail: withheld
UUFOH Note:Unknown
NEW 05__________________________________________________________________________
Tan Bigfoot-like Creature with Tail
Reported: 02/24/2005
Date of sighting: 00//04 not sure, sometime summer 2004
Location: just outside the town of Clearwater Creek, Utah
Time of day incident occurred: 11:25pm
Area Description (vegetation and habitat): Surprisingly overgrown vegetation
Are there caves or abandoned shelters in the area?: YES
Nearest bodies of water:Clearwater Creek
Any unusual domestic animal behavior?: unknown Describe kills /other:Unknown
Was it feeding on anything?: YES If so describe: A large male deer was in its paw.
Was there any interaction or communication between you and the animal? Yes. I said WHAT THE F*** and then we sped off.
Describe interaction: none
Describe interaction with other animal:Unknown
X factor descriptions: orangish red glowing eyes
Other details:It was tan, had orange eyes I think, a very long thick tail almost like a puma, HUGE teeth and claws, three or four fingers.
Speed: probably about 50 mph (we sped off at 90 and it nearly caught us at first)
Killed or injured?Unknown
Description of animal: A large "bigfoot-like" creature, tan fur but had large upper incisors like a sabretooth cat.
Height: about 8 feet Length:Unknown
Weight: around 600lbsOther:Unknown
Describe its movements and Behavior: It just stood there snarling at first, then when it heard our car it spun around and started sniffing, then it looked at me directly, then I noticed It had a large male deer in its grasp(it was nearly completely eaten). Then my friend started the car. As we sped off it dashed about 10 feet after us then went back to its meal.
The information we provide is presented in the interests of open-minded scientific learning and the free exchange of research, ideas, and theories. UUFOH makes no specific claims or endorsements regarding any materials, views, or subject matter presented by our guests, reports, links, or other.